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2009年-2012年,日本金泽大学环境设计学院  ,研究生/博士





1.  MA Yan,XUE Feng. Deciphering the Spatial Structures of City Networks in the Economic Zone of the West Side of the Taiwan Strait Through the Lens of Functional and Innovation Networks. Sustainability, 2019, 11(10):2975.

2. 马妍, 薛峰, 孙威, 李苗裔. 海峡西岸经济区城市网络特征分析——基于功能网络与创新网络的视角[J]. 地理研究, 2019, 38(12): 3010-3024.

3. 王珺玥,马妍,沈振江,林逸飞,2019。厦门市民宿空间分布特征及空间布局优化思考[J].规划师,2019,35(01):71-76.

4. 马妍, 吴若晖,王喆妤,李苗裔。基于人工智能方法的社区老年活动中心需求模拟与规划布局研究,城市发展研究,2019,26(1):18-25。

5. 李苗裔, 马妍, 孙小明, 王静远, 党安荣。基于多源数据时空熵的城市功能混合度识别评价, 城市规划,2018,42(02):97-103。

6. 马妍, 马琦伟, 李苗裔, 于沛洋。基于社区生活圈尺度的城市绿色基础设施空间分布与居民就医行为关系研究——以福州市中心城区为例[J]. 风景园林, 2018,25(08): 36-40.

7. 马妍, 王珺玥, THANH T Phuong, 沈振江, 曹哲静,太阳能分布式发电系统在城市更新工程中的应用研究——以越南胡志明市为例[J]. 上海城市规划,2018(01): 32-39.

8. 马妍,李苗裔。“互联网+”环境下城市商业功能空间演变及规划设计响应。规划师,2016,vol.32(4),pp.17-22。  

9. 马妍,沈振江,王珺玥。多智能体模拟在规划师知识构建及空间规划决策支持中的应用——以日本地方城市老年人日护理中心空间战略规划为例。现代城市研究,2016,vol. 31(11),pp.28-38。

10. 马妍,沈振江,高晓路,党安荣,2013。城乡规划支持服务资源聚合现状及发展趋势。地理科学进展,vol.32 (11),pp.1670-1680。

11. 颜秉秋,高晓路,马妍,袁海红,2014。基于MAS技术的城市养老机构布局决策支持。清华大学学报自然科学版,vol.7,pp.973-982。

12. Yan MA, Zhenjiang SHEN, Dinh Thanh Nguyen. 2016, Agent-Based Simulation to Inform Planning Strategies for Welfare Facilities for the Elderly: Day Care Center Development in a Japanese City. the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 19(4)5.

13. Yan MA, Yunfeng LI, 2015, “Conceptual Research on Decision Making Meeting for Urban Water Managament”, International Review for Spatial Planning & Sustainable Development, vol. 3(3): 16-24.

14. Shen Z.J., Ma Y., Sukihara K., Lei Z.H. and Shi E., 2014, “Technical possibilities of Cloud-based Virtual Reality implementing Software as a Service for Online Collaboration in Urban Planning”. International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, vol.7 (11), pp.463-473.

15. Yan MA, Zhenjiang SHEN, Mitsuhiko KAWAKAMI, 2013, “Agent-Based Simulation of Residential Promoting Policy Effects on Downtown Revitalization” the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 16(2) 2.

16. Zhenjiang SHEN, Yan MA and Shinkan LEI, 2014, “Technical possibility of Design Review Using Cloud Computing”, Proc. 9th Int. Sympo. on City Planning and Environment Management in Asian Countries, In press

17. Zhenjiang SHEN, Yan MA and Yunfeng LI, 2013, “Web-Based Decision Making Support System for Integrated Urban Water Management”, 日本建築学会情報利用技術, Vol.37, in press.

18. Yan MA, Zhenjiang SHEN, Mitsuhiko KAWAKAMI, Katsunori SUZUKI, 2013,"Agent-Based Modeling of Water Price Negotiation for Domestic Water Management in Deurbanization Society of Kanazawa City, Japan", special Issue on: "Urbanization and Environmental Issues in East Asia" International Journal of Society Systems Science, vol.5 (1), pp.25-45.

19. Yan MA, Zhenjiang SHEN, Yunfeng LI, 2013, “A Conceptual Research on Decision Making Meeting for Urban Water Managament”, published by the 2nd International Conference 2013 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development.

20. Zhenjiang SHEN, Thanh N. D., Yan MA, Mitsuhiko KAWAKAMI, 2013, “An agent-based model for simulating location of community-based facilities: A case study of day care centers in Kanazawa City” Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, vol.47 (3), pp. 283-288.

21. Zhenjiang SHEN, Yan MA, Mitsuhiko KAWAKAMI and Tatsuya NISHINO, 2012, “Development of Agent-Based Model for Simulation on Residential Mobility Affected by Downtown Regeneration Policy” Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 4, pp. 201-211.

22. Yan MA, Zhenjiang SHEN, Mitsuhiko KAWAKAMI, “Agent-based Modelling for Planning Support of Local Residential Policy in Kanazawa City, Japan”, published by the 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics, 2011, Doi: 10.1109/GeoInformatics.2011.5980889.

23. Yan MA, Zhenjiang SHEN, Mitsuhiko KAWAKAMI, 2011, “An Agent-Based Approach to Support Decision-Making of Total Amount Control for Household Water Consumption”, in Geospatial Techniques in Urban Planning, Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer, edited by Zhenjiang SHEN, pp. 107-128.

24. Yan MA, Zhenjiang SHEN and et al, 2011, “A Planning Tool for Simulating Urban Growth Process and Spatial Strategy of Urban Development in Chuandong, China”, in Geospatial Techniques in Urban Planning, Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer, edited by Zhenjiang SHEN, pp. 27-47.

25. Yan MA, Zhenjiang SHEN, Mitsuhiko KAWAKAMI, Kazuko KISHIMOTO, 2010, “An agent-based approach to support government decision-making of total amount control for household water consumption and waste discharge,” 日本建築学会情報利用技術, Vol.33, pp. 37-42.

26. Yan MA, Zhenjiang SHEN, Ying LONG, Mitsuhiko KAWAKAMI, Ke WANG, Katsunori SUZUKI, “Urban Growth Simulation for Spatial Strategic Plan of Chuangdong Area, China”, published by the 18th International Conference on GeoInformatics, 2010, Doi: 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS.2010.5567666.


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41501181、电商影响下大都市商业的业态相应与功能空间重组、2016/01-2018/12、20万、结题、主持。

2. 福建省教育厅杰青项目,50011522,福建省闽东北协同发展区公共服务一体化研究、2019/01-2020/12、在研、主持。

3. 福州大学引进人才科研启动项目,510217,电商影响下大都市商业的功能空间重组、2015/12-2018/1 2、结题、主持。

4. 地方政府下达课题,福州市“十三五”“智慧城市”建设研究、 2015/01-2015/04、12万、在研、主持。

5. 环境保护部委托项目,O7M73601AM、基于城市人口承载力的环境管理创新研究、2014/07-2015/01,12万、结题、参加。

6. 国家其他任务项目,S2014GX0479、大城市社区养老服务问题与对策、 2014/01-2014/12、10万、已结题、参加。

7. 地方政府下达课题,Y2Q0320YD、岩前镇万寿岩遗址公园规划设计、 2014/06-2015/01、10万、已结题、主持。

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41371178、珠江三角洲城市群生产空间演化、2013/10-2017/12、60万、已结题、参加。

9. 中科院重点部署项目,KZZD-EW-06-04、区域发展差距模拟分析与决策支持平台专题、2012/01-2015/12、27万、已结题、主持。

10.   基盤研究B(海外学術調査)、70294543、中国における低炭素都市つく りに向けての計画制度システムの現状と課題、2011-2013、1898万日元、 参与。






